Legal Notice


Commercial name: AFLangues11

Director : Madame Geneviève CORNES

Contact :

Telephone : +33 (0)7 68 23 13 40

Business Description

Language training (English, French, Spanish)

SIRET : 852 610 773 000 16

CODE APE : 8559B – Other courses

Intellectual property rights

This site constitutes a work of which AFLangues11 is the author within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The design and development of this site were provided by AFLangues11. The images produced (jpg, png, svg) on ​​this site are the property of the company as well as royalty-free images.

All the elements of the site are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of the company AFLangues11. No reproduction, exploitation or use, even partially, of the elements of the site can be done without the prior authorization of the owner of the site, in particular, whether it is a photo, logo, visual or text.

Website Host

Privacy Policy

1. Who are we ?

Our website address is:

2. Use of personal data collected

E-mail address

Our website allows you to submit forms online to answer your questions. These forms collect your e-mail address with your consent in order to be able to contact you again. When you submit a form on our website, we collect your email address, your IP address and the web browser you are using.


We use the traffic analysis service of our website “Google Analytics”. This service automatically sets a cookie that collects your IP address, the web browser used and the number of times you have visited our site. This service makes it possible to understand the behaviour of Internet users using a service. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information and generate reports on site traffic statistics, without transmitting the identity of visitors.

Learn more about Google’s privacy policy.

Analysis of traffic to our website

We use the “Google Analytics” website traffic analysis service.

This service makes it possible to collect in particular data relating to the number of connections to our website, the number of unique users (based on IP addresses) as well as the most visited pages on our site. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), this service does not under any circumstances allow the collection of nominative or personal data, nor to carry out profiling operations on our visitors.


Our website does not allow the posting of comments in order to avoid the retention of personal data and the management of comments.

How long is your data stored?

The statistics of visits to our website are kept indefinitely.

3. The rights you have over your data

If you have submitted a form on our site, you can request to receive a file containing all the personal data that we hold about you, these being those that you have provided to us. You can also request the deletion of personal data concerning you. This does not take into account data stored for administrative, legal or security reasons.

To exercise your right to delete personal data concerning you, send us an email at the address:

4. Transmission of your personal data

Your personal data is not transmitted to any third party.